We take our responsibility to the environment very seriously.
The animals we meet deserve the utmost respect and we work with them not against them. We never go close enough to concern the wildlife and we never chase them. Nor do we distort the ecological balance by feeding animals to attract them
We use quiet fuel-efficient low-emission engines.
We ensure that nothing is deposited in the sea by our passengers.
We have been involved on several occasions with the local animal charity – the GSPCA – in both rescuing and relocating seals. We are happy to do this without charge. See the video of the rescue of seal pup Jethou Bumblebee here. See the release of seals Trinity and Eden here.
We have been closely involved in the development and maintenance of the RAMSAR* site in Herm and the Humps, using the benefit of our experience to shape the structure / arrangements which led to its recognition from January 2016.
We are members of the new Guernsey Outdoor Charter Group which will help Guernsey showcase itself as an island that has well managed landscapes while allowing great sustainable recreational opportunities. The basic principles that apply to everything it does and the activities it carries out are to respect other people, to protect the natural environment, to enjoy the outdoors and to stay safe.
To both these organisations and other local environmental groups we constantly contribute the benefit our knowledge derived from constantly operating around the wildlife-rich coasts of these islands.
We are pleased to support the work of WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation – the leading charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins. Find out more about their work and how you can help here.
* Designating a site as a ‘Ramsar site’ gives international recognition of the special environmental, cultural and heritage characteristics of a particular area. Designation lays the foundation to develop a management plan, in full consultation with those who manage, live and use the area, to ensure the conservation of key species & habitats.

We have an active programme of supporting local charities. Over recent years we have raised funds for Alderney Cancer Relief, St John Ambulance, MS, the GSPCA, Channel Islands Air Search, the RNLI, Herm School, the Tumaini Fund, Smile for Georgie and the Guernsey Macular Society – not bad for a small firm. We also provide discounted trips for disability groups.